Friday, January 11, 2008


Let's face it, as writers, we need to feel inspired. If we aren't, we can sit and stare at the page or screen for endless hours. It's the one common thread that connects each of us.

The wonderful thing about inspiration is that it can come from anywhere. You may hear a certain line in an old song, or you may catch the sun at just the right moment as it dips below the horizon. Or, you may have the opportunity to interview one of your favorite artists.

That last situation happens to be the case for me. On my other blog, Dave's Horror Reviews, I have the wonderful opportunity to interview many of today's most important figures in the horror industry. From award winning novelists to award winning filmmakers, they each have remarkable stories to tell and for me, that's inspiring.

So, I've decided to share their stories here in hopes that they may inspire you as well. If you have something that is particularly inspiring to you, I'd love to hear it. Leave me a comment and let me know what inspires you.

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